Hydration Calculator

Hydration Calculator

Ryan Page

You may not feel like it, but the truth is that you’re more of a liquid than a solid. The human body is approximately 60% water. And while you probably don’t have to worry about slipping down the drain or sloshing all over your keyboard, you do need to worry about what could happen to you if you don’t maintain that all-important hydration balance.

Hydration facts:

Consider these hydration facts. Your body depends on water, daily, for a number of important functions. Daily water is essential to helping you maintain and regulate your body temperature. It keeps your cells, tissues, joints, and spinal cord moist (and if you don’t like the sound of that, ask yourself if you’d rather have ones that are brittle), so that they can remain healthy and perform their duties. Water intake also helps transport waste products through your kidneys and out of your body. Drinking enough water daily helps you digest food properly, which is an important component to blood health, and even assists with cognitive ability. Unfortunately, as important as water intake is, your body is always losing it through sweat, bodily waste, and even the very act of breathing.

So, if you want to offset these processes and keep your body happy and hydrated, you need to know how much water you should be drinking throughout your day to be adequately hydrated. For that, there’s the Hydration Calculator.

The Hydration Calculator

We’ve all heard the old adage that we need to be drinking eight tall glasses of water a day to stave off dehydration. But while many of us would certainly benefit from this recommended water requirement of eight glasses worth of water (or hydration drink) per day, that’s really not the whole story. For example, if you drink those eight glasses (recommended water) all at once, then your body isn’t going to be able to get the most out of that water intake when it really needs it — you’re not a camel, after all. Also, you should remember that everybody, and every body, is different when it comes to staying hydrated. A bodybuilding enthusiast may have a higher daily water intake than someone who lives a sedentary lifestyle; not everyone is going to have the same demands when it comes to water intake.

Take these factors into consideration when using this hydration calculator chart.

The hydration calculator chart is easy to use and can help you determine how much water you should be drinking right now to be in a healthy hydration state. Just find your weight on the chart and see an approximation of how much fluids you should be drinking in ounces, liters, and Progenex shaker bottles. Simple, huh?


Check out the Hydration Calculator Chart below, and see just how much water or hydration drink your body should be getting:

What is fluoride water?

Fluoride is naturally found in water, soil, and foods. It is also produced synthetically for use in drinking water. Water authorities add fluoride to water because studies show that adding it in where fluoride levels are low, can help reduce the prevalence of tooth decay. But too much of anything can be bad, especially when it involves your daily water intake and staying hydrated. Learn more about the benefit and risk of fluoride water here.

If you’re having trouble drinking enough water or getting your recommended water requirement in for the day, try carrying around bottled water everywhere you go. Or carry several bottled water’s to continually remind you to stay hydrated. And when you drink caffeine, remember to drink equal amounts of water!

Now you know how much water you should be drinking throughout your day. Next step: Grab a Progenex Shaker and try our Hype product. Hype contains critical BCAAs and tremendous taste to make hitting your hydration targets even easier!

Progenex Hype

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