No grainy texture.
No bitter taste.
Many creatine products on the market today offer creatine that is not easily absorbed by your body. This means that you’re paying for creatine to pass through your digestive system without finding their home in your muscle tissue where it’s needed.
While the scientific community agrees that creatine can be an amazing product, athletes often find it has real issues with solubility and digestibility. If you’ve used creatine before, you probably noticed small, bitter grains at the bottom of your drink. These grains are a result of less-soluble creatine. Add up all of those grains over time and you’re missing out on substantial amounts of creatine in your muscles.
Knowing how to take creatine properly is an essential part of getting the most out of it. PROGENEX Amplitude uses our specially formulated creatine micronized peptides for maximum uptake and rapid absorption. Unlike other products, our creatine is tasteless and mixes well with other solutions. No grainy texture, no bitter taste—just a high-quality creatine monohydrate in a micronized peptide form that mixes well with your favorite PROGENEX shake, delivering rapid, real results.