Tuesday's w/ Jeremy - Episode 1
Jeremy BriggsShare
In this episode, Jeremy talks about PROGENEX Amplitude.
Amplitude is a creatine monohydrate specifically formulated for maximum uptake and rapid absorption.
Just like all of our other products, Amplitude is not designed to be a “wonder drug,” but instead provide you with a better platform to train and perform.
Jeremy’s suggestion to all of his athletes is to consistently take 3-5 grams daily with your PROGENEX Recovery or More Muscle protein shake. When Amplitude is used with Recovery or More Muscle, both products will see a greater return. By blending creatine with protein, you are creating a better environment for your anabolic window otherwise known as protein synthesis. Therefore your body’s ability to synthesize protein when taken with a quality creatine will increase 600-800% compared to using no creatine with your protein shake.
In short, by combining quality creatine with your protein shake, this will create a better opportunity for your body to recover and experience better “gains.”
Amplitude creatine will specifically help you retain results because of its peptide form that allows your body to retain the creatine better compared to brands.
To learn more about Amplitude and the science behind it, visit our blog post, Amplitude Creatine Peptides.